Senior Doc offers an industry leading Remote Patient Monitoring service that is included in the Covered Medicare Benefits.  Our team will complete a personal and custom evaluation including medical history, chronic health conditions and delivery of the appropriate equipment to your home.

4 Easy Steps:

  1. Senior Doc provider evaluation at home via telemedicine
  2. Order Monitoring Equipment
  3. Drop-ship to residence
  4. Open, plug in batteries and USE!

All Data will be sent directly to Senior Doc via proprietary Cloud-based software.

The Senior Doc clinical staff and team will monitor the data and notify you and your community if there are any changes or abnormal values.

Senior Doc provides medical care to seniors directly in their homes, assisted living, skilled nursing communities, hospice, or via secure Telehealth options.

If you are looking to become a provider at one of the fastest growing senior care providers in the U.S. please get in touch with our team today.